Need a custom mug? We can print an 11 oz. or 15 oz. mugs with your choice of words, photo, or logo. Contact us with your idea and we produce them for you quickly.
Need a special mug? We can make an extra special mug for you with your text and logo. This process uses a stencil and an abrasive on the mug to remove the glazing where the text or artwork is, leaving the natural ceramic colour to show. This is usually a white or off-white colour. Dark or black mugs usually work best for this process.
Metal travel mugs can be customized by laser engraving if they are coloured, and if they are uncoated stainless steel we can mark them with a special ceramic coating that lasers black or else using a stencil and sandcarving to produce a dark matte grey colour. For best results let us supply the mug so that we can assure that it is engravable.
Would you like to have some personalized wine glasses for your wedding or event, or perhaps a company logo on a water decanter for the corporate board room? For best results let us supply the glassware.
Reach out to us so we can discuss your project and offer you solutions.
Things Made
1303 South Russell Road, Russell, ON K4R 1E5
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